School Wide Positive Behaviour Support, Relationships Based Learning, Visible Learning and NT Social and Emotional Wellbeing underpin these three learning areas.
Our Bradshaw Learner Qualities
(I take responsibilty, I challenge myself and I learn with others) support students to be successful in their learning.
School Wide Positive Behaviour Support (SWPBS) starts from the perspective that behaviours are an expression of an individual’s skills and context. Responses to inappropriate behaviours need to focus on improving skills and/or changing the environment so that the individual can be more successful. Responses and interactions need to focus on learning and reinforcing more appropriate behaviours.
At Bradshaw, SWPBS has the following aspects:
• An ‘At Bradshaw’ matrix which outlines the behaviour expectations that all members of the community adopt.
• Procedures for teaching these expectations across the school.
• The Bradshaw Learner Card system which acknowledges when students are demonstrating the desired behaviours.
• A set of procedures for responding to inappropriate behaviours. (This is the traffic light coloured document that you will see around the school.)
• Procedures for monitoring behaviours so that we can ensure responses are effective and individuals are appropriately supported.
Relationships Based Learning focuses on the importance of relationships in bringing about education success for all students.
At Bradshaw... Relationships Based Learning means that:
At Bradshaw... we create a family like context for learning by:
Assessment capable, life-long learners
It’s essential that Bradshaw students are able to confidently talk about themselves as active, self-aware learners and that they have a repertoire of strategies to help them learn.
Visible Learning is based on the principles which been developed from Professor John Hattie’s extensive research into what factors have the biggest impact on student learning.
Visible Teaching and Learning occurs when teachers see learning through the eyes of students and helps them become their own teachers.
A visible learner is a student who:
NT SEL (Northern Territory Social Emotional Learning) is the wellbeing, engagement and behaviour program used at Bradshaw School. It aligns with Australian Curriculum and was developed in partnership with students, staff and school communities across the Northern Territory.
NT SEL is student centred, building connections with:
Other Students
My School
Whilst NT SEL is a whole school practice, students develop their skills and understanding through a formal 1 hour NT SEL lesson per week.
Arrernte, Chinese and Spanish are taught in accordance with the Australian Curriculum. Lessons are once per week and depending on the age of students, are 30-45 minutes long. Students learn the same language for the whole year and over the course of their primary schooling learn a variety of languages and can then specialise in middle year levels.
Click here for more information about the Alice Springs Language Centre.
We have a range of programs to support individual students, including Levelled Literacy Intervention, Sand Play, Rock & Water, Supported Play, Read Write Inc, Soundcheck, Lexile Reading Program, Engine Room, movement programs and oral language programs. All classrooms have Classroom Support Staff for part of the day to provide additional support for student learning.
The Learning Hub further supports students with a number of additional programs tailored to meet the needs of small groups of students.
At Bradshaw we have a strong emphasis on literacy as it is the foundation for all learning. Literacy is taught explicitly and systematically from Preschool through to Year 6.
Our school literacy learning uses current evidence and research to teach reading. Our teachers are invested in ongoing professional learning to continually refine our shared understandings on how we all learn to read and write.
We use the Reading Rope, Read Write Inc and the Bradshaw Spelling Program to explicitly teach students to develop sound/letter knowledge, accurate word decoding and automaticity in decoding simple words, then sentences and passages.
Students begin reading with decodeable books and are scaffolded by classroom teachers into rich literature and texts. As students become proficient they are then able to read more complex texts independently.
We are developing a whole school sequence of books which are our Mentor Texts which are aligned with our Integrated units of work in history, geography, health and science. These books are chosen to build knowledge and assist in the teaching of content, background knowledge and building a rich vocabulary.
Students experience a variety of books from Australian authors, to emerging authors exploring current themes, fiction, non fiction and classics such as Charlotte’s Web and Roald Dahl.
In the classroom you will see students reading for enjoyment, the teacher and student reading aloud, student participating independently and in groups in focused activities to build vocabulary, deepen comprehension of the book and knowledge of the content. Through differentiated tasks, the students can work at their point of need. Students engage in 10 hours per week of literacy instruction following the Australian Curriculum.
Reading at home at night is encouraged.
Family involvement in the classroom is welcome.
At Bradshaw, we support all students to achieve a high standard of proficiency in maths. Our learning is focused on three strands - Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry and Statistics and Probability. Students engage in 5 hours per week of numeracy instruction following the Australian Curriculum.
Our school numeracy learning uses current evidence and research to teach mathematics through explicit instruction to explain and model new concepts and skills, building number sense enabling students to work with numbers flexibly, regular skills practice, open ended maths tasks and investigations and application of maths skills and knowledge through integrated units.
Complementing classroom learning we access online programs such as Maths Seeds, Prodigy and Essential Assessment.
In the classroom you will see students working independently and in groups on a variety of tasks involving practice of skills, theorising and discussing how to find a solution, learning from mistakes, suggesting alternative methods and observing, engaging and recording the learning.
Practicing of basic number facts to build fluency at home at night is encouraged.
IT is a learning tool. Students at Bradshaw have access to desktop computers, laptop computers and iPads. Students from Transition to Year 1 use iPads as part of reading and maths group rotations and to create artefacts to demonstrate understanding. Students in Year 2 - Year 6 have regular access to laptop computers. All classrooms have a digital projector.
Students have a subscription to the following learning programs - Reading Eggs, Maths Seeds, Typing Tournament and Prodigy account. The software is accessible from home computers using students unique username and password - these are available from the class teacher.
Students use the computer lab on a weekly basis for personal learning, research, learning programs and digital technology.
Technologies covers Design and Technologies and Digital Technology. Design and Technologies - students use design thinking and technologies to investigate, plan, manage, create and evaluate solutions to everyday problems.
Students apply their knowledge and practical skills and processes to find innovative solutions both independently and as part of a group.
Year 2 students were challenged to design and construct a bag from recycled or upcycled materials to serve an identified purpose.
Digital Technology - Students today are born into a digital world and are technologically literate by the time they start school. Technology is a tool which optimises learning outcomes and empowers students to create, connect and investigate.
At Bradshaw, students use coding programs Scratch and Scratch Jnr to investigate, create and share digital solutions.
Robotics is an exciting and engaging learning area as students use robots appropriate to their developmental needs. Classes have access to Cubettos, Bee Bots, Evos and Lego Mindstorm. A Bradshaw team participates in the annual Robocup.
Bradshaw students also have access to a 3D Printer.
A dedicated art room, inspires imagination and creativity. Students use materials, techniques and processes to make artworks to communicate their ideas. Students attend an art class for 1 hour per week.
Each year the school hosts an Art Show where students select one of their masterpieces to show.
Physical Education
In addition to class fitness and movement breaks, students attend Physical Education for 1 hour per week. The focus of Physical Education is on developing physical well being, coordination and general fitness.
Students in Year 5 and 6 represent Bradshaw at the weekly Inter School Sport played against other local schools. Representatives participate in the annual inter-school athletics, cross country and swimming carnivals.
Bradshaw students keenly participate in the Sports Gala Days in sports such as orienteering, cricket, rugby, netball and AFL.
Students attend a 1 hour science lesson each week with age appropriate content covering the areas of Biological Science, Chemical Science, Earth and Space Science and Physical Science. Student develop science enquiry skills through predicting, reasoning, observing and explaining their knowledge and understanding. Students collect data to analyse and draw conclusions about their learning.
To celebrate Science Week, a Science Fair is held and the whole school community is invited to attend.
The Bradshaw library provides students with a wide selection of learning material, a computer lab and comfy reading corners. During school hours, classes work with their teacher in the library or computer lab. Students are welcome to use the library at lunchtime to read, draw, colour-in, swap cards or play games.
Students are able to borrow two books for two weeks at a time. Borrowing happens during weekly library lessons and after school.
Students who are reading Lexile books are encouraged to borrow as needed. Teachers allocate additional independent borrowing time in their day.
Bradshaw operates a Learning Club in partnership with the Graham Polly Farmer Foundation. This program is open to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students. The Learning Club is for students in years 3-6 and operates one afternoon a week in our school library.
Please enquire at the school office for details of the Learning Club.
Click here for further information on the Poly Farmer Foundation.
Bradshaw works in partnership with the Northern Territory Music School to provide instrumental lessons to interested students in years 4-6. Students can choose to learn the flute, clarinet or saxophone or vocal. Lessons are free but there is a $50 registration fee and instrument hire or purchase costs.
Music teachers from the NT Music School visit Bradshaw on a weekly basis to provide lessons.
Each year Bradshaw joins with all the public schools in Alice Springs and under the expert guidance of the Guts Dance Central Australia, students create, rehearse and perform a large scale contemporary dance work.
Students from Year 3 - 6 are invited to participate in this opportunity
A swimming program is held each year for students in years T-3. Lessons are held daily over a one week period at the Alice Springs Aquatic Centre with Austswim qualified instructors. A parent contribution is required to cover the cost of instructors, pool entry and bus travel.
Information and consent forms are sent home to families in the weeks prior.
Students learn best when they are actively engaged in purposeful learning experiences. At Bradshaw...our practices are guided by age-appropriate pedagogies.
Teachers use a range of teaching approaches and characteristics of quality teaching in their classroom practice. Teachers are supported to align curriculum, teaching practices and assessment to maximise children's engagement in learning and to enhance outcomes. All Early Childhood classrooms are supported with high quality resources and Classroom Support Staff to assist students and teachers to be successful.
Read Write Inc
Read Write Inc is a whole school phonics program at Bradshaw with all students from Transition through to Year 2 participating regularly in age and level appropriate learning experiences in small groups. Read Write Inc is one of the intervention programs we use to support students in Years 3 – 6 to acquire the literacy foundations.
Children learn to read accurately and fluently with a good understanding of what is read. They learn to form each letter, spell correctly and compose their ideas step by step. Throughout the program, children learn the English alphabetic code; the 150+ graphemes (ch – chief, chef, chemist) that represent the 44 speech sounds. They rapidly learn sounds and the letter or group of letters; they need to represent them in three sets of Speed Sound Lessons.
Simple and enjoyable mnemonics help all children to grasp the letter sound correspondence quickly. This knowledge is taught and consolidated every day. High frequency words that are not phonically regular are taught as "tricky" words and are practiced frequently.
Phonic books are closely matched to children's increasing knowledge of phonic and tricky words so that, they experience plenty of success. Repeated reading of books support their increasingly fluent decoding (the process of translating print into speech by rapidly matching a letter or combination of letters to their sounds and recognizing the patterns that make syllables and words).
To read the parents guide to Read Write Inc click here.
Age-Appropriate Pedagogies
Age-appropriate pedagogies is the effective early years teaching approach which we use at Bradshaw.
It guides teacher to select and use a range of learning activities which:
In the classroom you will hear staff and students talk about Discovery Learning. These are learning opportunities which are active, creative, explicit, language rich, playful, responsive, collaborative and scaffolded enabling the student to undertake their own purposeful learning from a point of developmental and personal interest.
At Bradshaw assessments are an essential part of students becoming capable and competent learners. Assessment is the ongoing process of gathering, analysing and reflecting on learning. This supports students to focuses on what they know and what they are able to do and to set their next learning goals. At Bradshaw a variety of formal and informal assessment tasks, tests, checklists and rubrics are used.
Assessments used at Bradshaw include the Foundations of Early Literacy (FELA) and Read Write Inc assessment for Early Childhood students, Bradshaw Spelling Test, SA Spelling, NAPLAN data, PAT Maths, PAT Reading and Dibels Reading assessment.
In addition teachers used a variety of teacher made tests and assessment tasks and rubrics and checklists to assess writing.
Students in Years 3 and 5 undertake the NAPLAN (National Assessment Program of Literacy and Numeracy) in March of each year. The tests are all completed online with the exception of the Year 3 writing assessment. Students learn the skills to be able to navigate the NAPLAN tests and use the inbuilt tools to assist them.
In line with Education Department policy, written reports are completed at the end of each Semester. English and Maths are reported on each semester together with the curriculum areas that have been taught.
Meet the Teacher Night is held in Term 1. This is a casual, whole school event where our school community comes together.
Student Learning Conferences are arranged in Term 2 each year. At these meetings, students share their work, reflect on their learning goals and set new ones. Students, families and the teacher come together to talk about how to best support students to achieve these goals.
Families are welcome and encouraged to be in regular contact with their child's teacher and to speak with the teacher directly regarding concerns. Before school and after school are ideal times to pop in for an informal chat. If a formal meeting is needed, make an appointment by contacting the office.
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