
Bradshaw's first priority for enrolment is the area that the school sits in.

At Bradshaw Primary School, we are obligated to make sure that the students living inside this priority enrolment area have access to educational services and facilities at this school.

Our current enrolment levels are at a point where the school is required to place restrictions on out-of-priority enrolment area enrolments. This has meant that we now have a Priority Enrolment Policy.

How to Enrol

To enrol a student at Bradshaw Primary School, students must reside within the Priority Enrolment Area.

As evidence of residing in the Priority Enrolment Area, families must provide either an ASTC rates notice, rental agreement or utilities notice. A driver's license or Centrelink statement/card is not accepted.

To make an enrolment enquiry please call the school office on 08 8955 2100.

Parent contributions

Bradshaw School Council have set the annual 2025 Parental Contribution as follows:

  • One child enrolled $100
  • Two children enrolled $175
  • Three or more children enrolled $250
  • Low income family $50 per student (max $150 per family).  A Centrelink pension card must be shown at the time of payment.

Donations in excess of these amounts are always very welcome and help us to provide an exceptional learning experience for all our students.

The school relies on parental contributions to make sure that high quality resources are available in classrooms and to subsidise our school bus and visiting performances.

We request that you please pay your parental contribution at the beginning of the year. You cannot use your Back to School Payment towards your Parental Contribution.

Payment can be made:

• in person:

Cash, cheque and EFTPOS (including Basics Card) are accepted in the office. The office is open from 8am to 4pm.

• through Electronic Funds Transfer (online banking):

BSB: 015-881

Account: 4100 12581

Name: Bradshaw Primary School Council

*Please ensure you include your child’s name as a reference so that we know who has deposited funds into our account.

The school provides all books and stationery for students throughout the year, parents do not need to pay for these.

Preschool Enrolment

Age of Entry

The Age of Entry policy allows children to begin Preschool at the commencement of the school year if they are 3 ½ years of age and will turn 4 prior to the cut off date of 30th June.

Children who turn 4 after June 30, may have the opportunity to commence preschool when they turn 4 if there are positions available. The waiting list for such positions is arranged in order of birthdays from July-December.

There is no Age of Entry for the second semester of the school year.

Entry To Bradshaw Primary School

Over the past few years, Bradshaw Primary School has increased in student numbers to a point where the school is at capacity. As a consequence of this, a Priority Enrolment Policy is in place. This policy guarantees entry to students living within our Priority Enrolment Area and allows others to enroll subject to capacity.

As such, entry to Bradshaw Preschool does not guarantee enrolment at Bradshaw’s Transition program.

Your child will definitely have a place at Bradshaw Primary School if:

  • You can show proof of residency within our Priority Enrolment Area. 
  • You have a child already enrolled in Transition to Year 6 at Bradshaw Primary School
  • You are a staff member at Bradshaw Primary School

Bradshaw Priority Enrolment Policy

Bradshaw's first priority for enrolment is the area that the school sits in. At Bradshaw Primary School, we are obligated to make sure that the students living inside this priority enrolment area have access to educational services and facilities at this school.

Our current enrolment levels are at a point where the school is required to place restrictions on out-of-priority enrolment area enrolments. This has meant that we now have a Priority Enrolment Policy.

How to Enrol

Please phone Bradshaw Primary School on 8955 2100 to request a call back from the Teacher-In-Charge of the Preschool. Alternatively please email bradshaw.school@education.nt.gov.au

In any form of correspondence, please leave your name, child’s name and date of birth and a return email address and phone number. You will receive a call back to discuss your child’s enrolment and to fill in a pre-enrolment form.

If you are planning for when your child will be eligible for preschool, please contact us to complete a Pre-Enrolment Form and placed on our waiting list for future intakes.

Click here for the Preschool Pre Enrolment Form.

Preshool Pre Enrolment Form

Parent Contributions

Government funding allows us to provide a basic level of resources free to all children.

We rely on parental contributions to purchase high quality resources to ensure the preschool environment and learning program can be as stimulating and exciting as possible. Parental contributions are voluntary, although we depend on these funds to provide a high quality service.

The requested preschool parent contribution amount is $240 for the year or $150 for low income families. Many families choose to donate in excess of this amount.

$240 works out to be less than $3 per session. It can be paid in semester instalments. Low income families need to provide evidence such as a Centrelink Pension card.

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